Oak Park Trails
Community Garage Sale
Saturday, April 27, 2019
After a couple of years off, we are announcing the return of the Spring Community Garage sale ! Spring is here and it’s time to de-clutter and get ready for the summer fun.. Are you SO ready to do some Spring Cleaning? We thought so and here’s your motivation:
The Oak Park Trails Spring Community Garage Sale date is Saturday, April 27, 2019, Rain or Shine. Our garage sale weekends have been very successful in the past and it is a great time to finally clear the clutter and get organized with less stuff.
As always, the OPT HOA will be providing banner signage at the major entrances to the community to help with promoting the garage sales in the community. Holding your garage sale on this HOA assisted weekend will increase attendance and sales at your event.
Please be considerate and remove any signage used for garage sales once the event is over, as required by our deed restrictions. Please remember when placing signs throughout the neighborhood it is illegal to place signs in public right of ways, esplanades and on traffic signs.
Please be mindful of the traffic and parking generated by your garage sale and if necessary, direct shopper’s parking to avoid blocking driveways or through traffic on streets.
Watch the Oak Park Trails website, Facebook page and Twitter feed for additional tips and information to make your Garage Sale as success. Pass the word to your neighbors and feel free to contact us at board@oakparktrails.org if you have any questions.
Happy Garage Sale-ing!
OPT Board