Join Us for Crime and Safety Meet and Greet in OPT Park, Saturday, October 24, 2020 at 4:00 PM

Please join the Oak Park Trails Homeowners Association and our contract patrol Deputies from Harris County Sheriff’s Department for a casual Meet and Greet and discussion on Crime and Safety in Oak Park Trails and the surrounding areas. Tips for improved home security, how you can help to keep our neighborhood safer, information on local crime and how it has impacted Oak Park Trails, will be discussed, along with time for Q & A’s with our contract patrol deputies.

Our park area is centrally located in the community at 2103 Bluffton, or at the intersection of Winding Hollow and Park Timbers Dr. Please bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on, as we will use the large open area of the park to be able to practice social distancing, And please remember to wear a mask or facial covering.

Please share this information with neighbors that may not be on social media.

If you have any questions, please email us at We are excited to see everyone at the meeting and continue to make Oak Park Trails a great place to live!