Pool and Tennis Court Access Cards
If you did not have a chance to come by the pool last Saturday and register for a new or replacement pool access card, please follow the link below and download the application form, then follow the instructions on the form to send it in along with any fee owed and...

Typhoon Texas Savings
Compliments of Typhoon Texas for Oak Park Trails Residents! 3 ways to save on summer fun! Typhoon Texas 2019Download
2019 Swim Season
The 2019 Swim Season begins on Saturday May 4, 2019. Join us on May 4 for open swim day and free Sno Cones from the Journey Ice truck in the pool parking lot area! OPT HOA Board members will be on hand from 11AM-2PM to help with pool access card registration. If you...
2019 OPT Spring Community Garage Sale
Oak Park Trails Community Garage Sale Saturday, April 27, 2019 After a couple of years off, we are announcing the return of the Spring Community Garage sale ! Spring is here and it's time to de-clutter and get ready for the summer fun.. Are you SO ready to do some...
Sidewalk Etiquette
Hi Neighbors - the subject of parking in your driveway yet blocking the sidewalks came up at our Annual Meeting of Homeowners in February. We were asked to address this to all our neighbors to remind everyone, please try to keep all sidewalks clear so that everyone...
2019 Annual Homeowners Meeting and Board Elections
From the Oak Park Trails HOA Board Event: ANNUAL MEETING of Highland Knolls/Oak Park Trails HOA Date: Monday, February 25, 2019 Time: 6:45 p.m. (sign in begins at 6:30 p.m.) Where: Memorial Parkway Junior High School 21203 Highland Knolls Katy, TX...