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Established in 1991, Oak Park Trails is a quiet community of 1057 homes located, in Southwest Harris County, in Katy, Texas. Oak Park Trails is conveniently located two miles South of I-10, four miles North of Westpark tollway and one mile East of the Grand Parkway. We are minutes away from great shopping, restaurants and entertainment.


2018 Holiday Decoration Winners

Thank you to all that decorate their homes for the holiday season! It truly helps to make the neighborhood look festive and exciting! Here are the winners of the 2018 Oak Park Trails Holiday Decoration contest. Each winner has a sign displayed in the yard and received...

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Oak Park Trails 2018 Holiday Decoration Contest

The Oak Park Trails Annual Holiday Lighting & Decor Contest will again be awarding prizes to homeowners for the best holiday decoration displays. Judging will be on the evenings of Monday, December 17 and Tuesday, December 18, so be sure to have your holiday...

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2018 Pool Schedule and Access Card Info

Please join us as we open the 2018 pool season on May 5th with an Open Swim Day! The OPT Board Members will be at the pool on Saturday May 5th from 11AM to 2PM to assist residents with pool tag applications. New homeowners are able to obtain one access card at no...

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2018 Annual Meeting and Elections

From the Oak Park Trails HOA Board Event:   ANNUAL MEETING of Highland Knolls/Oak Park Trails HOA Date:    Tuesday, February 20, 2018 Time:    6:45 p.m. (sign in begins at 6:30 p.m.) Where: Memorial Parkway Junior High School 21203 Highland Knolls              Katy,...

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Memorial MUD District Alert

Oak Park Trails Neighbors We hope everyone is safe today and waiting out the storm to see what Harvey brings next. We are sharing a link to important information from Memorial MUD District, our water and sanitary sewer service provider. Please click on the link below...

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Hurricane Harvey

Hi OPT Neighbors, Just a few quick notes as everyone is preparing for the storm that is forecast to arrive late Friday/early Saturday. * Friday is a scheduled trash and heavy/loose trash pick up day. We have not been told of any changes to the schedule, but if you...

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