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Hurricane Season began June 1st and will continue through the end of September. Now is the time to put provisions in place to cope with sudden disaster. Many supplies will be needed in the event of evacuation or shelter in place. Do Not Delay! I personally schlepped a suitcase full of batteries home from a business trip after shipping my clothes home because all the stores were out of batteries in preparation for Hurricane Ike. We would have been in the dark for days if I had not been able to help with our provisions.

Often overlooked in the planning, our family pets need consideration in the event of emergency. Experts agree that intense weather of any kind can create trauma and anxiety for your cats or dogs. Don’t believe the falsehood that they are ‘just’ animals and can handle things without your love and assistance. If you would do it for your children, you should do it for your pets – whatever ‘it’ is.

First and foremost: If you evacuate – TAKE YOUR PET WITH YOU! Would you leave your children behind to fend for themselves? Honor the commitment you made to your pet by treating them as the family member they are every step of the way.

Here’s a checklist to help you prepare for your pets in the event of weather emergency:


  • Collars with tags worn by your pet
  • Molded plastic pet carrier
  • Color photo of each pet sealed in a plastic bag
  • Copy of your pet’s rabies and vaccination records sealed in a plastic bag
  • Pet first aid book and kit
  • Two-week supply of pet food
  • Bottled water
  • One-month supply of your pet’s regular medications
  • Non-spill food and water bowls
  • Cat litter
  • Cat litter pan
  • Leash
  • Plastic bags (for pet waste disposal)
  • Sheets (one to cover each pet carrier)
  • Blankets
  • Non-electric can opener
  • Newspaper
  • Disinfectants
  • Paper Towels
  • Comb/Brush
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