August /September Pool Schedule
Just a reminder of the August and September pool schedule. The last full weekday that the pool will be open is August 15. After 8/15 the pool will be open weekends only. Week of 8/7 Closed Monday 8/7 Open Tuesday-Saturday 11AM to 9PM and Sunday 8/13 12PM-9PM Week of...
ANNOUNCEMENT/Extended Pool Hours
We are happy to announce that effective Friday, July 14 2017, the pool will remain open until 9:00 PM (instead of 8:00 PM) on all days that the pool is open until the end of the 2017 swim season. We will be watching attendance numbers between 8 and 9 PM to determine...
2017 Pool Season Info
Please join us as we open the 2017 pool season on May 6th with an Open Swim Day! The OPT Board Members will be at the pool on Saturday May 6th from 11AM to 2PM to assist residents with pool tag applications. New homeowners are able to obtain one access card at no...
Spring Community Garage Sale Date
The Oak Park Trails Community Garage Sale date is Saturday, April 22, 2017. RAIN OR SHINE! Our garage sale weekends have been very successful in the past and it is a great time to finally clear the clutter and get organized with less stuff. As always, the OPT HOA will...
Board Elections & Annual Meeting Scheduled for Monday, February 27
2017 Board Meeting Notice and 2017 Proxy Form From the Oak Park Trails HOA Board Event: ANNUAL MEETING of Highland Knolls/Oak Park Trails HOA Date: Monday, February 27, 2017 Time: 6:45 p.m. (sign in begins at 6:30 p.m.) Where: Garland McMeans Junior High...
Holiday Lights Contest
The Oak Park Trails Annual Holiday Lighting & Decor Contest will again be awarding prizes to homeowners for the best holiday decoration displays. Judging will be on the evenings of Monday, December 19 and Tuesday, December 20 so be sure to have your holiday lights...