Pool Schedule for August/September

Just a reminder that the week of 8/8 is the last week that the pool is open full time. After Sunday 8/14, the pool schedule will be weekends only, until it closes for the season after Labor Day, Sept. 5. Below is a link to the schedule for the rest of the season. The...

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Update to 2022 Pool Season Info

From our pool management company A-Beautiful Pools: Summer swimming pool operations are in full swing, and the pool is now open full time. We hope that our residents are enjoying the cool water as a break from the heat! A-Beautiful Pools, Inc. reached out in the last...

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Splash Pad Grand Opening Party Saturday May 28!

Come help us to celebrate the Grand Opening of our new Splash Pad at the OPT Park! On Saturday, May 28th, we will have fun, games and refeshments in the park to celebrate the completion of the new Splash Pad waterplay area in the OPT Park! Starting at 10AM until 2PM...

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2022 Pool Season Info

Hi Neighbors! The 2022 pool season is approaching and we open the pool on Saturday May 7, 2022. Please see the full  2022 pool schedule located both the Amenities tab on this website, and in the Documents and Forms tab. OPT Board members will be at the pool from...

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Annual Meeting and Elections March 21, 2022

Our second attempt to hold our Annual Meeting of Homeowners and Election will be held on Monday, March 21, 2022. The previous meeting held in February was adjourned and not valid because we were not able to achieve quorum with only 58 votes or proxies. With 1057 homes...

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Annual Meeting via Teleconference Monday February 21st

Our Annual Meeting of Homeowners will be held Monday, February 21, at 6:30 PM. The meeting will be held via teleconference. The call in # and meeting PIN is noted at the top of the meeting agenda. Meeting information, and the ballot and proxy forms needed for the...

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