Holiday Trash Collection Schedule 2020

Holiday Trash Schedule for Oak Park Trails. With two consecutive holidays falling on Fridays (a regular trash collection day and heavy trash/bulk trash collection day), we received the following schedule for trash collection on Oak Park Trails through the holidays....

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2020 Holiday Decoration Contest Winners

Holiday Decoration Contest Winners! This year is a great year for holiday decorations and outdoor lights in Oak Park Trails! So many beautiful displays made judging difficult, so we did add some Special Mention addresses to the list so everyone will hopefully have a...

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2020 Holiday Lights and Decor contest

Oak Park Trails 2020 Holiday Decoration Contest .The Oak Park Trails Annual Holiday Lighting & Decor Contest will again be awarding prizes to homeowners for the best holiday decoration displays. Judging will be on the evenings of Tuesday, December 15 and...

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Crime and Safety Meet and Greet 10/24/2020

                 Join Us for Crime and Safety Meet and Greet in OPT Park, Saturday, October 24, 2020 at 4:00 PM Please join the Oak Park Trails Homeowners Association and our contract patrol Deputies from Harris County Sheriff's Department for a casual Meet and Greet...

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Trash Service News

Regular scheduled trash and recycling services should resume normal scheduled the week of 8/31/2020. Tuesdays - Household trash placed in the blue bin provided by WCA and recycling pick up placed in the gray bin provided by WCA. No loose trash bags or heavy trash is...

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