UPDATED – Solicitation of Candidates
A Board of Directors election will be held at the Highland Knolls Community Association, Inc. Annual Meeting of Members to be held on February 27th, 2025. There is one (1) board position up for election for a three year term. Highland Knolls is also currently seeking candidates for the Architectural Control Committee.
If you want to be a candidate for the Board position or the Architectural Control Committee and have your name included on the Absentee Ballot that will be mailed to all members prior to the meeting, please contact Beth R. at Crest Management no later than 12:00 (noon) on Tuesday, January 30th, 2025 (deadline).
You may submit your name, and a brief bio as a candidate, to be included in the Absentee Ballot, by mail to the address below or by email to BethR@Crest-Management.com. Please limit your bio to a half-letter size page. If you have any questions, please contact BethR@crest-management.com or 281-945-4677.
Highland Knolls Community Association Inc
17171 Park Row Suite 310
Houston, Texas 77084
See links to Solicitation of Candidates for both Board of Directors and Architectural Control Committee positions, as well as Candidate information and Bio forms for both position.
- This post has been updated to include information on Solicitation of Candidates for the Architectural Control Committee.